120 Litre Oil Fuel Spill Kit – AusSpill Quality Compliant

This 120 Litre Oil Fuel Spill Kit is fully compliant with AusSpill quality guidelines and is tested to BS5979 to ensure you meet the requirements of AS1940:2017 and Work, Health and Safety Regulations.

Suitable for containing and absorbing spills of oils, fuels, solvents and all Class 3 hydrocarbons.

Packed in a compliant 140L mobile bin for fast recognition and rapid response.

Absorbent Capacity: 120 Litres

The Australian Standard for Storage and Handling of Flammable & Combustible Liquids (AS1940:2017) states


9.4.1 General

Every endeavour shall be made to prevent leaks or spills, and to control them if they do occur. Clean-up action shall be initiated immediately. Leaked or spilled liquids shall be kept and disposed of in accordance with Section 12.

9.4.2 Clean-up materials and equipment

In order to deal with leaks and spills, a spill response kit shall be readily available where flammable or combustible liquids are stored, dispensed or in transit storage in order to prevent spills from reaching ignition sources, stores of other chemicals, or combustible materials (e.g. timber and paper), or flow into drains or onto neighbouring land, or enter any creek, pond or waterway.

A simple spill response kit should consist of some or all of absorbent pads, booms, loose absorbent and contaminated waste bags that are packed in a readily identifiable weather resistant container and are compatible with the liquids stored.

The Spill Station range of compliant spill kits are designed to meet the requirements of AS1940:2017, meet the AusSpill quality guidelines and tested to BS5979 to assist in meeting the legal obligations in the Work Health and Safety Regulations.

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