Eco Jemss Decontamination Services offer water testing and full facility flushes to offer compliance to Standard AS 5369:2023

- Eco Jemss water testing provides you peace of mind knowing your facility is compliant with the mandatory requirements of standard AS 5369:2023.
- Water testing covers the requirements of AS 5369:2023, including Table 7.2, Table 7.3 and Table 7.4.
- Provide Legionella Testing for both domestic and commercial as per AS5132
- Offer a Legionella Water management plan
- Eco Jemss collects your water samples with minimal disruption to your department’s operation.
- Eco Jemss Water Testing service includes delivery of water samples to a NATA accredited laboratory with analysis and return supply of auditable reports.
- Our Team can arrange a Decontamination and water testing Schedule to keep your facility compliant.
- Eco Jemss can arrange a fully comprehensive mechanical and clinical program for Legionella working with you towards and to achieving compliance
- Eco Jemss perform full facility flushes
- Eco Jemss can Supply, install and maintain RO Systems
- Installation of our Safewater Products, filters and taps that are legionella safe and water marked.